Sustainability Innovation

My Journey with Sustainability and Innovation

By: Raghav Khanna, Grade XII Student at Ridge Valley School

I’m Raghav Khanna, and I’m thrilled to share my journey and passion for sustainability and green actions with you. Recently, I had the honor of winning the 2nd position in the ‘Young Innovators Program (YIP) 2023’ with my project, Pure Power. This project focuses on creating electricity from wastewater, a venture that holds immense potential for our environment. Additionally, I was recognized in the Global Science Awards (GSA) 2023 for developing a medical assistant powered by AI that diagnoses and prescribes medication.

The Spark of Inspiration

My interest in sustainability began during a school project on the impacts of soil erosion. It was eye-opening to see how our actions contribute to environmental degradation and the urgent need for innovative solutions. This project sparked my passion for exploring how technology can create positive impacts.

Pure Power: Electricity from Wastewater

Pure Power emerged from a simple yet profound observation: wastewater is often seen as a problem, but what if we could turn it into a resource? After extensive research and experimentation, I developed a method to generate electricity from wastewater. The process actively treats wastewater while simultaneously producing clean energy, addressing two significant environmental challenges. Winning the 2nd position in YIP 2023 was a validation of the potential impact of this project

AI in Healthcare: The Medical Assistant

Another project close to my heart is the AI-powered medical assistant, which earned recognition in the GSA 2023. The idea was to create an accessible and efficient healthcare solution that can diagnose illnesses and prescribe medication, particularly in areas with limited access to healthcare professionals. This project demonstrated how AI can be leveraged to address critical healthcare gaps, making quality healthcare more accessible.


- My Journey with Sustainability and Innovation – YouTube Link: